
Chasing the muses that bring the sparkle to our lives.

Welcome from Judy

The creative spirit is alive and well, and this is an attempt to celebrate the creative muses that reside and thrive within us. I am always in awe of people who have harnessed that ability and have done something great with it. They inspire and encourage me and others to go for it, and to use the God-given talents we have to celebrate life!

Wow--I haven't done anything with this blog in such a long time; life--surgeries on problem feet, keeping busy with work and outside interests, and other activities have been getting in the way of some things; and being a grandma who loves to go to her grandkids' activities now that they have moved closer has kept me on bleachers and stadium seats a lot--and I love it! I truly believe the muses in my life move in and out of importance in the total scheme of things, and I have periods of time where I do not feel their presence calling me to create, CREATE. CREATE! And then they descend like a whirlwind and I just have to make something, then something else, and so on. My brother told me over the holidays that I was obsessed with silverware stuff right now--he's probably got a point! But it is so much fun to putter with, put down, go off and do my regular stuff, and then when I am ready to take a break again, it's there waiting for me! Cheaper than a therapist!There will be things offered up for sale, ideas and tutorials, and other stuff along the way. May you find it a-MUSE-ing to follow along!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ally Winds Up in Stitches

My granddaughter Ally is almost 11 years old, and from her birth she has been my special connection to the wonder of the universe and majesty of God. Grandchildren happen at just the right time in your life, right when you have started to become jaded and forget just how awesome the world looks through the eyes of a child.

A week or so ago, Ally and her brother AJ were visiting, and I had my sewing machine out. I remembered there was a stash of fabrics cut into quilt squares, albeit Christmas fabrics, and I figured Ally would like to try her hand at sewing. She had never run a machine before, but she loves being creative.

I showed her how to use the machine and sew a bunch of squares together into a chain, then sew them together, etc. to make a simple pieced quilt. There were only enough pieces to make a little one, but she just caught on like wildfire. Her mom was really into sewing when she was in high school, so it must come naturally. It was nice that she could finish the entire small quilt and even sew a muslin backing on it, before she had to go home. She couldn't wait to show Mom and Dad what she had accomplished on a Sunday afternoon. Sometimes we get into projects that we don't get finished before she has to leave, and they seem to be the ones that don't always get completed later on. She told me about the quilt exhibit that had been at her school a few weeks earlier, and the whole concept of quilting and sewing was much more vivid to her. Guess what she wants for her birthday........a sewing machine!

1 comment:

Alyx said...

What a cute gal. Hope she continues to quilt.